Picking Out the Best Designer Sunglasses for UV Protection

Sunglasses make it easier for people to see clearly on a bright and sunny day. The right sunglasses will also protect you from rays that can lead to short-term and long-term eye problems.


Why You Should Protect Your Eyes

When you step outside, even on a cloudy day, the sun’s rays will beam down on you. Therefore, it is important to protect your eyes from UV radiation while outdoors. UVA rays, which are a type of UV radiation, damage the macula located at the back of the eye. UVB rays, another type of UV radiation, can damage the front part of the eye.


Choosing the Best Designer Sunglasses for UV Protection

Sunglasses come in all sizes and shapes. When it comes to protecting your eyes, you need to choose those made for function rather than fashion. The wrong kind of sunglasses will do more harm than good.

If you are shopping for the best designer sunglasses for UV protection, consider the following brands:

  • Ray-Ban: Most Ray-Ban sunglasses offer UV protection. However, you need to understand that not all provide the same level of protection. Some provide 100 percent protection, while others allow some light rays to reach your eyes.
  • Dior: Some Dior sunglasses, such as the Dior Reflected and Peaked Aviator Sunglasses, are non-polarized. However, they have a UV protection coating. 
  • Silhouette: Some of the sunglasses from this iconic brand offer good UV protection, in addition to their signature comfort and lightness. You will also find child design Silhouette sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Seraphin: In addition to helping you make the ultimate fashion statement, some of the sunglasses from this brand offer some protection from the harmful effects of UV rays.
  • Lafont: Each pair of Lafont sunglasses comes with polarized lenses that offer a certain level of UV protection.
  • Cole Haan: In addition to being comfortable to wear, most Cole Haan sunglasses provide excellent UV protection. They also provide more visual satisfaction.
  • Kate Spade: These sunglasses have scratch-resistant lenses that provide UV protection. They are also lightweight and comfortable to wear.

When it comes to choosing the best designer sunglasses for UV protection, some of the most important factors to consider include:


100 Percent Protection

This is the single most important factor to consider when purchasing designer sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays. Look for a tag or sticker indicating that they block 100 percent of UVA and UVB rays. Unfortunately, most people do not bother checking whether the sunglasses they are purchasing offer complete protection.


Darker Shades Do Not Necessarily Mean Better Protection

You may think that darker sunglasses look cool. This may be true. However, they do not necessarily offer better protection from UV rays.


Bigger Is Always Better

Larger shades offer more coverage, which means less sun damage on the eyes. Therefore, when shopping for designer shades, go for oversized or wraparound models, which will help minimize UV rays reaching your eyes from the sides.


Polarized Lenses Do Not Always Block UV Rays

Polarized lenses reduce the glare reflecting off surfaces such as pavement or water. However, they do not offer much protection from the sun’s rays.

To learn more about sunglasses for UV protection, visit Eye Care Center at our offices in Fridley, Maplewood, and Maple Grove, Minnesota. You can call 763-308-8440, 651-777-3555, or 763-420-6981 to schedule an appointment.

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